Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rockhounding in the Ochoco forest with Oldpa!

Oldpa has made it known that he wanted to rockhound with his littlest granddaughter. Well, one more check off of his bucket list! :) We drove up close to the same place we went to last year to try and find some sweet rocks. You'll have to ask him for the proper name of these rocks since I can't seem to remember. Bob, Alex and Sophie came rock hunting too and we had a good time! It was hot... and Howie and I managed to pop a tire on our truck. Not such a good time.
The perfect photo. :)
Learning Oldpa's skills...
 Makenna has a couple of years under her belt..
My beautiful niece, Sophie.
 All the kids digging!
 They had some supervisors... :)

 Memories made. Bend was a success except for Oldma's head. Just ask her if you see her. :)