Sunday, December 20, 2009

The tree is decorated...

AND I have the pictures to prove it! All apologies that I'm so late. Everyone, meet our 2009 Christmas tree! It's beautiful. :)
Putting the lights on....
Makenna wanted to help so she put on an ornament. :)This is how it looked after she was done. She put the frog on. :)She was so proud of herself!Merry Christmas!

The Howards

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas tree

We got our Christmas tree! I started to create this post on the 6th so that's why it's dated almost two weeks ago. I've been busy working on other things. :) Howie, Makenna, Belle and I all headed back to the same tree farm we went to last year. We were there for an hour or so and were lucky enough to be there before it got super cold.

Walking to find the perfect tree.... You know how it goes when you try to find the perfect tree. You see one that is amazing and think that you'll remember where it's at just in case you find a tree that's better. Well, we couldn't find the one we initially fell in love with so we kept looking. I know it's hard to tell in this picture but Chunko had two inches of mud stuck to the bottom of her shoes. She was having a hard time walking so Daddy taught her how to scrape the mud off on a tree stump. :)30 minutes later and 100+ trees looked at... WE FOUND THE ONE WE LOST!! We didn't waste anytime cutting it down. After the tree was cut and Howie was paying for it, Makenna and I wandered over to check out the mini pony they had.She loved the pony and goat! We got the perfect tree and pictures of it decorated are coming soon!



Thanksgiving and time with Grandma & Grandpa

We headed up to Bellingham to spend Thanksgiving with the Howard clan. We stayed at Aunt Cindy's and we had an awesome time! The food was delicious and the company was even better! We stayed one night then headed down to stay with Grandma & Grandpa Howard. I didn't take a ton of pictures (me=slacker) but I hope you enjoy the ones we did!

Playing on a yoga ball with her Aunt Cathy :)

Lexi giving Makenna a wet kiss!

I'm keeping tabs on the growth of her hair. We've got curls!!! Hanging out in Ellie's rocking chair. Makenna loved it!Ok, so that was the extent of the pictures that were taken on Thanksgiving. I'm terrible! The next set of pictures are at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Some days I'm really good at taking a lot of pictures and then I have weekends like this one. :(

Remember that really cool high chair that Grandma & Grandpa gave Makenna last Christmas? She still loves it! She was able to use it as a desk and color with her Grandma. Then she moved to the floor.The last day we were there Makenna got super lucky and got to ride the tractor again with Grandpa! Grandma & Makenna
It was a good weekend!!! Until we see everyone again, we love you!!!

20 months

I know that I say this EVERY month but I'm going to say it again. I can't believe how fast time is flying by! It is so hard to believe that Makenna will be 2 in 3 months! So bizarre! Here are some of my favorite pictures from her 20th month of life. :)

So, Makenna loves cheese. American, cheddar, string, parmesan...
She got the cheese all over her face because...

She decided to lick the parmesan off of the plate.. Silly girl!Daddy taught Makenna how to put coins inside these "piggy banks"... and she loves to play with them!Makenna loves playing with Daddy's old guitar. She even attempts to sing while strumming. :) Wearing Oldpa's hat. Kind of odd that Oldpa put it on backwards because he always says that, "people that wear their hats backwards don't know which way they're going."Oldpa & MakennaUncle Luke & MakennaMakenna loves to vacuum! Everytime I bring it out she says, "Hava? Hava?" Hopefully she'll still like to vacuum when she's old enough to do chores! :)HAHA.. She noticed her reflection and started dancing with herself. She is such a love!

Another month.... Almost another year. We love you Chunko.
-Mommy & Daddy