Saturday, October 20, 2012

Headed to the woods AKA Oldpa & Oldma's

The end of May we headed down to Oldpa & Oldma's house to visit for a week. We all drove down and then Howie left the girls and I to stay and then he drove back down to get us! What an amazing man, isn't he?
Oldpa feeding Kinsley. Melts my heart!
 I'm thinking this is Uncle Dale's "stop crying" look.
 Everyone took a turn snuggling Kinsley!

 Apparently, playing with Gage & Ashton is hard work!

We went down to the river to swim for a little while one day. My first time down to the river in 9 years or so?

 Fish or tadpole?
More quality time with Oldpa!

We can't wait until Christmas!