Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The month of April...

Some photos from April. :)

Kinsley at her 2 week appointment. She doesn't take that binky anymore. Thank goodness!
 Her first real bath!

 Daddy and his girls all asleep!
 Obachan came over and we made cupcakes!

 Kinsley at her 1 month appointment. Getting big!
 I can not figure out how to rotate this last photo...
One month old already!

Any fellow bloggers out there that can tell me how to rotate photos? They are the right way when I start to upload and then they come up the wrong way. Help!


Oldpa & Oldpa came up right before Easter so it was fun for them to be here! Makenna got to color easter eggs and Kinsley was able to experience her first Easter!

 Snoozin' before we headed up to Obachan's house!

 Happy Belated Easter!

Kinsley's First Week Home

Our first week home was an easy one. Kinsley is such a good baby! She would wake up every 3-4 hours to nurse and we were settling right into a routine!
Oldpa and Oldma arrived a few days after Kinsley was born.
Kinsley's first doctor appointment!

 Makenna is such a proud big sister!!

 Miss Aimee and her girls. :)

Welcome Kinsley!

Well, well, well.. I am utterly embarrassed to see that I haven't updated this since March 29th!! A lot has happened in 6 short months! We welcomed a new baby girl into our family, we had an amazingly fun summer and Makenna has recently just started preschool! I'll try to update all of these things as I have the time. It's a lot harder raising two kids than one! Haha!
Starting in order since March 29th, 2012 is welcoming:
Kinsley James Howard
Born March 31st, 2012 at 7:12am
Weighing 6lbs. 7oz and 18 3/4" long
The labor and her delivery all happened so fast! I started having contractions the evening of the 30th. Around 3am I finally figured out that I better wake up Howie and call my doctor. They told us to head on in, so I called Aimee and Amy for them to come over and watch Makenna for us. We got to the hospital around 4am, I received my epidural around 6am and she came a little over an hour later!
Thank you to Dr. Lin! I am so lucky to have such an amazing doctor!
Makenna meeting Kinsley for the first time..


 Getting ready to go home!
Such a beauty. We are all so in love with her. :)