Monday, March 15, 2010

Another weekend clam digging...

The last weekend in January we went camping with Howie's parents and brother to go clam digging. We had such a wonderful time! The weather was decent and the clam digging was pretty good! It's just so nice to be able to let Makenna run free on the beach and play with the sand. She digs it. :)
Look Mommy!! SAND!

She kept grabbing handfuls of sand and throwing it... screaming with excitement, of course. :)

I'm really proud of this picture... This was our group the first day (majority of them had to leave the next day due to unforeseen circumstances).

Makenna discovered that wet sand makes the best "mud". She played with it for over 20 minutes until we took her away!

I took this picture the last day we were there... I saw a random bench and dove in at the opportunity to take a wonderful picture of Daddy and Chunko. :)

I'll leave you with a picture of Makenna and her Uncle "Uke". AWWWW! -US

23 months!

January 25th marked the day that Makenna went from 22 months old to 23 months old. I just noticed that I never did a 22 month post! Shame on me! Makenna is getting so big and her hair is getting sooooo long! Well, lon g to me. :) She is talking so much these days and definitely falling into her "tissy-fit twos". I think her life falls apart at least twice a day. She's pretty funny. Enjoy the pictures of our super funny daughter!
She hasn't done this lately but she definitely went through a phase of stuffing everything she can in her onesie or sleeper. I actually pulled out over 18 things (rocks, princess figurines, binkies, necklaces, etc.) out of her sleeper a few weeks ago. She is so funny! Makenna and I were at my Mom's and she started stuffing candy in her onesie. She has no shame! :)
Here is a good look at her curly locks!
Still reading on the toilet.. Just like Mommy and Daddy.. and Oldpa and Auntie. It sort of runs in the family. HAHA!
She is also still making use of her favorite chair that she got on her 1st birthday from Grandma & Grandpa Howard. I love that she's still proving Grandpa wrong (Love you Glen!!). :) Being silly with Daddy one night. Daddy is the biggest toy Makenna has. I love it.

Our little Princess.

We love, love, love you Chunko!!

10 days in California...

After Howie and I got back from Christmas with his parents we decided to send Makenna and I back to California! Since I wasn't working and had nothing else to do, Makenna and I booked a one way flight down there on January 15th. It was awesome! 10 days of pure relaxation and lots of bonding time with Oldpa, Oldma, Aunt Jeanie, Uncle Dale, Gage, Ashton and Uncle Todd. Ashton's 5th birthday was the weekend after we got there so Howie drove down a couple of days before the party so he could be there and take us all home. I took a ton of pictures while we were there but I'm only posting my favorites. I apologize again that updating this blog has hit the backburner again! LOL.. It has been a busy month!

Hanging out with Gage after a LONG day!
The next day Gage, Makenna and I took a walk. Makenna had tons of fun chasing Gage around!

Uncle Todd came over for dinner.. I got a really cute picture of him and Gage! :)

The ENTIRE time we were there, Makenna would grab her Oldpa's hand and say, "Oldpa?? Ah more, more rocks?" She would lead him downstairs (that's where he stashes them) and they would come up with "more, more rocks". Too cute.

Guess what? A couple of days after we got there it started snowing!!

It didn't stop snowing for 4 days... and we lost power for 3 days!

THE DAY DADDY CAME.... Silly Daddy!

Miss Belle had fun trying to walk in all the snow. Look at her legs!! :)

She had so much fun in the snow!

Daddy and Makenna watching a 3D movie.

Here are some pictures of the sweet moments my Dad and Makenna had while picking out rocks. This was the last night we were there and I didn't want to miss another opportunity to save that moment in time. :)

She LOVES her rocks. I think she's borderline obsessed, actually.

We had so much fun and it was sad to leave (as always). We will be back down there in April for Gage's birthday. We're excited. :) More posts coming soon!


The Howards