Sunday, May 31, 2009

Makenna's first trip to the zoo!

Howie and I took Makenna and Jo (my friends daughter) to the zoo on Friday, May 22th. I hadn't been to the zoo in years! The weather was beautiful and we had such a great time! They're currently remodeling some areas so we missed out on seeing a few of the animals but that's okay with us. We'll be taking Makenna to the zoo again toward the end of the summer. At the Oregon Zoo they have an aviary that I was so excited to take Makenna into. She loves when Auntie Amy's bird flies around so I couldn't wait for her to watch the birds. Since the remodeling is going on, there is only one way to it and one way out. By the time we got there she was asleep. LAME! We found out that they're currently remodeling that as well. All in all, we had a fun day and it was exciting to watch Makenna get excited over the animals.... and be scared of some. :)
Just got to the zoo... checking out the goats.
Miss Hailey Jo being cute... she's definitely a poser. :)
Walking down the Pacific NW trail.

Deathly afraid of the gigantic salmon...

I loved the eagles...

OHHHH... ducks.

She loves having her picture taken. ;)

Happy girl in her stroller

Stopping for lunch...

Pizza. See?

"Kristine! Take a picture of me!!" -Jo

The new baby elephant.. isn't he cute!?

Makenna thought so too....

The future models of America. No joke. :)

Jo checking out how tall she is compared to a bear. :)

Some pictures of animals....

My Dad & Carol had a picture up on their fridge for YEARS of this exact same photo. Hippo butts. :)

Last stop... feeding the birds. Jo would jump everytime the birds moved, spilling the juice that you feed them. It was pretty funny.

Makenna didn't know what to think about the birds!

We had great day! Until next time....


Saturday, May 23, 2009

14 months!

It is so hard to believe that Makenna is already 15 months old! I take a million pictures but just don't take the time to post them on here! I need to catch up with my friend Kelly! She posts EVERY night. After I get caught up then I'll try my best to follow in her footsteps.... although, it's hard because Makenna does something new every 2-3 days. I'll be sure to keep up on my posts though. :) Enjoy!

I love my new camera... flawless pictures.

She likes to carry this frog around... It's not light!

This picture is hilarious! Look at Belle trying to sneak a bite of Makenna's pizza!

Makenna's first McDonald's chicken nugget experience. She loves them! I actually forgot how good they are!

She likes ketchup...

and french fries!

For everyone that knows me: You know that I LOVE ranch dip! So does Makenna.... like mother like daughter. ;)

Eating spaghetti & green beans... her favorite! She's not a clean eater by any means but she's still learning how to use a fork. We're working on it. :)

Messy girl... so much fun to clean up too!

Such a happy girl!

Makenna LOVES to play with Daddy's Xbox stuff. I was in the kitchen getting lunch ready and it she was being too quiet.... I caught her playing with the headset on and remote in hand, aiming at the TV. She watches Daddy way too much!

Here are a few other pictures taken right after........

After proof-reading this... I just realized that the majority of these pictures are of her eating. Hmm... Well, she's not called the Chunky Monkey for no reason!



Friday, May 22, 2009

Weekend with Grandma & Grandpa Howard....

Howie's beautiful cousin, Alli got married last weekend. As all of you know, it was the same day as my much anticipated Taylor Swift concert. We ended up selling the tickets on Craigslist. Don't talk to me about it. :( BUT.... We had such a wonderful weekend! It was so great to see Grandma & Grandpa Howard and all of Howie's mom's side of the family. Makenna got to hang out with her Great Grandma Bettye too! It was a beautiful weekend! Enjoy the pictures!

Beautiful Alli & Dave
Officially, husband & wife

Makenna giving her Great Grandma a kiss....

her grandma.....

and her Great Aunt Melissa.....

The view from the reception area deck... gorgeous!

"What's out there Daddy?"


Checking out Great Aunt Melissa flowers...

Great Uncle Rick, 2nd cousin Zachary and Grandma

A little stare competition with Grandma!

These pictures were taken before the wedding... We had just got to Grandma & Grandpa Howards...

Makenna took her first ride on Grandpa's tractor!!! She was so intense staring at the the shifters and steering wheel! She loved it! After Grandpa parked it, Makenna would walk straight for it... over and over! I promise Makenna, you will ride it again soon!

These pictures were taken the day after the wedding... going for a little walk...

Swinging on the porch swing..

And... a beautiful picture with Grandpa. ;)

We had lots of fun! It was so good to see everyone and we can't wait to do it again soon.


Kristine, Howie & Makenna