Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Makenna's 18 month of life....

AWWWW... Our baby girl turned 18 months and the last month has gone by so fast! Does life ever slow down?? Makenna is talking up a storm these days and has perfected being a full on ham. She has got to be the funniest child I have ever met. She cracks us up on a daily basis and we are loving every second of her life. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures in the last month because my new Nikon was shipped off and it only took 20 days to get it back. I'm a little upset about that but I did manage to get a few good ones of our Little Lady Love. Enjoy!
We took Makenna to her 18 month appointment on August 26th and she weighed 28lbs 4oz and was 32.5" long.

She's taller than the mirror now. :)

She's learned to open the drawer in the kitchen, take out all the lids to the pots and pans and hangs out in it. She's so proud when she does it too!

She loves noodles....

We bought Makenna a "potty chair" and she's so cute! She tries to take off her diaper so she can try and go potty. TOO CUTE!

We went to Eric and Rachelle's a couple of weeks ago for Alex's birthday...


Arianna was trying to give Makenna sweet kisses...

Pretending to be her Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Amy and Oldpa. :)

Happy belated 18 month to our precious baby girl. We love you!


Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nights at Darla's

Now that our crazy summer of camping has ended we have a ton of free time to go see the Mace's! YAY! Andy has been out of town for work for about 3 weeks so we've been trying to go over to Darla's frequently to visit her and Andrew. It's always a good time. :)
Makenna was mad at Howie and I because we took the car keys away from her. She dropped them and wouldn't tell Andrew thank you when he picked them up for her. Such a sad face she can give!

Her attitude changed quickly though.

Check out the curls she's starting to get! We knew they were coming since Daddy & Mommy both have curly hair (well, Daddy's is when he grows it out). I can't wait to see what her hair looks like when she gets older!

I can now say that I have made Darla dinner. Her and Andy are always so nice and they cook us dinner all the time. It was about time that I cooked for them! I made chicken enchiladas and it was a hit! After dinner we celebrated Andrew's 16th birthday! All he requested was an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. He's such a good kid.....

Darla forgot to buy candles but I told him to pretend like he was blowing out candles. :)

What's so nice about hanging out with the Mace's is that it's so relaxing! Check out Daddy & Makenna. That chair they are sitting on is so comfortable. I want one.

I love this picture.

Labor Day weekend

Can you guess what we did for Labor Day? Oh, you guessed right! Camping! As we always do... We went with Eric & Rachelle and the kids to Clear Lake and I was stoked to have my friend Tiffany, her husband Dan and daughter Chloe come up too! The day we got there the weather was awesome! Sunny and no wind so we decided to go down to the lake to play and go fishing!

Little Miss Arianna striking a pose...

Alex fishing...

I don't know what Eric is showing to the girls but it must be funny..

Eric showed of his skills of stacking PowerBait. I think Makenna started and Eric had to show her how it's done. :)

She decided to see what dirt taste like.

A couple more cute pictures of Chunko at the lake...

The whole weekend was dedicated to relaxing and having a good time with great friends. Tiffany, Dan & Chloe showed up in the late after noon on Saturday and ended up staying just one night because the weather turned out to be ugly! It was cold, rainy and windy so most of our time was spent in the trailer.

Makenna was snacking on some chips and dip (her favorite) and again, I got some great "dip on the face" pictures!

Since we spent 70% of our time in the trailer and we trashed the trailer... Makenna decided that she wanted to sweep! Well, sort of... She swept Belle first... Then Daddy's shoes.....

She had to re-organize the rug....

and give the rug a hug. She is our little lovebug!

Since I'm always the one with the camera in hand... there are barely any pictures of Howie and I together. So I'll leave you with a picture of Eric & Rachelle.

Despite the horrible weather we had such a great time! I guess as long as your with good friends you make the best out of anything!


Cousin Melissa gets married!

On August 28th we headed up to Grandma & Grandpa Howards for cousin Melissa's wedding. The wedding was on Bainbridge Island and we had such a great time! The ceremony was wonderful and the reception was even better! The reception was at Melissa's friends house and the view of the Puget Sound from the backyard was to die for! I didn't take a whole lot of pictures due to the fact that we were trying to prevent Makenna from falling in the pool. She was also trying her best to get down on the sand and dip her feet/whole body in the water. She's a busy bee! :)
On the way up to Grandma & Grandpa's-eating a pickle from her cheeseburger....

and smelling the pickle. :)

Hanging out with Grandpa the night before the wedding...

So, we had to take a ferry to get to the island and it was Makenna's first time on one! I think it's only my second time and I don't remember the first so it was pretty exciting. I'm sure the people that commute on it everyday don't agree.


Makenna playing with the two flower girls or maybe she's dancing... Makenna took time to smell the flowers. Precious!


The next day Makenna was watching a movie and passed out in the rocking chair. Pretty rare of her to do that. She had a long wedding day!

Congratulations to Melissa & Matt! Thank you for inviting us to share the day with you! It was a wonderful wedding!



Monday, September 21, 2009

New posts coming soon....

My computer took a dive the other day... My brother repaired it for me and now all I need to do is get off my tush and go get it! See you soon!

Monday, September 14, 2009

17 months....

August 25th marked Makenna's 18 month birthday! AND her Oldpa's birthday! We won't tell you how old her Oldpa is.... :) We can't believe our baby is already 18 months old! Boo... I'm still waiting for time to slow down.

She loved this show! I think she'll be interested in dance when she gets a little older...
