Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our hike up Multnomah Falls!

We've waited months and months for the weather to get nice. Today was the day! They forecasted it to be 75+ and they were right! I woke up early with Makenna and every hour it just kept getting warmer and warmer.. then I had a thought... Let's go hiking! I knew that Multnomah Falls would be ridiculously busy but I really wanted to go anyway. When we got to the exit it was lined with cars. We decided to drive 3 1/2 miles down the freeway to the second exit and backtrack. Lucky for us, we found a parking spot right away! I was super excited... It's been quite a few years since I've hiked to the top of the falls and holy smokes... I am out of shape. I had to stop at every switch back and Howie was the one pushing and carrying Makenna!
Our princess loving her stroller. ;)

This was an adorable picture but just too bright so I messed around with the brightness just so you could at least see our faces. I like it.. little different.

Daddy carrying Makenna up the trail...

At the top! I didn't take too many pictures of the hike up because there were a million people behind us on that skinny trail AND.. I was winded.

My sweety and I!

She looks real happy here....

The view from the top!

Mini waterfall at the top

Starting to walk back........

Walking with her daddy....

Silly goose! I can never get over her smile. LOVE IT.

At the bridge on the way back down..

We were just up there!!! Takes wayyyy longer to get up there then it is to go back down. ;)

The water was misting our faces... She kept pointing to it!

Profile shot...

At the bottom.... Makenna clutching onto Daddy with dear life!

She was super happy! Amazing because she was soooo tired!

We had a great day today! I think we're going to try to go on hikes more often.... I need the exercise. ;) Oh, to my Dad and Carol... we didn't bring her jogging stroller because we knew the hiking trail was much too small to bring it (plus it's paved) but next place we go, we will! Until next time.....


PS. Here's a hiking tip: Hiking in flip-flops is good on the way up. Not so much on the way down. Ouch. ;)

BBQ at Eric's...

We went over to Eric's last night for a BBQ. I didn't take very many pictures and they're all of Makenna and Jo Jo but just too cute to not post, so here they are!

Sitting like a big girl on Eric's couch...

Makenna was obsessed with Jo Jo and her room! I think Jo liked having her over too. ;)

"One day I'll be as tall as you Jo!" Err... maybe not, Eric is 6' 6"!

Get her Makenna!

Sweet girls....

Isn't she adorable?

Thanks for having us over Eric, Alex & Jo!


Kristine, Howie & Makenna

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cape Disappointment (again!) and Easter.. Howard style!

We went camping with Grandpa & Grandma Howard at Cape Disappointment again! We went clam digging and had a great time. The weather was gorgeous when we got there so we decided to take Makenna out to walk on the beach for the first time in her life! I definitely took enough pictures of this occasion! BEWARE: Picture overload!
I always have to take pictures of Makenna in the car... she's so precious asleep! New milestone.. (not a good one) Makenna gets carsick! Uh, not so much fun for us. This picture was taken before she got sick. Poor baby....
Taking her first steps on the sand!
My sweet baby and I
We bought her new sunglasses last week and she just had to show them off...
Miss Sunshine walking toward the water.....
Makenna's footprints....
Daddy, Makenna and Joe (Howie's cousin)
Miss Independent
A few more pictures of her walking....
Watching the water... she was obsessed with it!
All smiles...
Give her two seconds and she was running toward the water!
We were finally able to try out the new jogging stroller that Makenna got from her Oldpa & Oldma for her birthday! She LOVED it! Daddy decided to take her for a quick run on the beach and she was squealing, "Weeeee!!!" the entire time. I wish I would've taken a video of it.
Check out that smile!
Little did I know when we planned this trip that we would be celebrating Easter in our trailer! ;) Mommy of the year over here! Oh well, we bought her a basket and I was going to dress it up but she saw it before I could and she had to have it right then.... BUT... I still took it away from her long enough to take the plastic wrapping off it, put some pink Easter grass in it and organize the stuff inside.... She was funny... she wanted to grab the candy that was inside but was semi-afraid of the grass! Too funny... Makenna gets her first taste of a Fun Dip..Not a huge fan!
So, Makenna has this obsession with towels, blankets, etc. Anything that she can try to lay out on the floor. I know this because I'm constantly putting the towel back in the kitchen 80+ times a day. Well, I took the towel that I used to dry dishes and wrapped it around the handle of the oven door so she wouldn't be able to get if off as easy as she would at home.... Uh huh... Good thought, right?She pulled and pulled and ended up opening the door to the oven... Such a nerd.... ;)
We put her glasses on her face.. she pulls them backwards and....
wears them around her neck. Silly!Grandma and I decided to take Makenna on a quick walk before we started to pack up to leave. It was sunny right when we left and 5 minutes later it started to rain. We had to duck under cover until it stopped. Here's a cold, rainy Makenna face!On our way home.....Can't tell that she got carsick an hour before this picture was taken!
We had another great weekend! I just hope that the next time we go camping, the weather is warmer. It's getting harder and harder to keep her in the trailer without going crazy. ;)