Saturday, August 13, 2011

39 months and feeding the ducks/geese!

Should I start saying 3 years and 3 months? I think I just might... Another month goes by in wonderful Gladstone. The weather was so-so and now that we're in the middle of August it's finally starting to look up! There were a few days in June that were nice enough to let Makenna play in the pool. She had fun!

This was in Grandma's baby pool...

One day 'Kenna and I got bored so we decided to go down to Clackamette park and feed the ducks/geese! This takes a lot for Mommy considering I'm a little scared of the geese. Those guys are mean!!

Our silly goose!

We love you 'Kenna!

Fishing & Father's Day!

Howie and I have decided that since we LOVE fishing that we better get Makenna into it too! We ended up having to buy her a new fishing pole since we can't seem to find the one that Oldpa & Oldma got her. :( First fishing stop? Faraday Lake!

A week later we headed up to Mt. Hood to hang out for Father's Day! We've kind of made a routine out of it.. We stop at Calamity Jane's in Sandy (YUM!) and then we head up to a lake to hang out. This year we brought our poles! We didn't catch anything though... Daddy got a few bites but no trout to bring home which is a good thing considering I hate eating trout! Too many bones...
Being her silly self!

Mommy & 'Kenna. I love this picture!

-The Howards

Gage's 8th Birthday and Easter Celebrations!

April 24th marked Gageman's 8th birthday! Auntie Amy, Dan, Makenna and I headed down south to celebrate his birthday and Easter! Daddy had to stay home because he had to work. Dang it! It was a long drive but we made it with NO one getting car sick! Both ways! I'm hoping that she's growing out of it but I won't hold my breath...

Pictures of Oldpa & Makenna melt me and I took a few good ones! :)

One of the first days we were there we went to Gage & Ashton's baseball game! I have 2 adorable pictures of Gage & Ashton in their uniforms but the pictures keep uploading sideways! I can't figure out to rotate it and it's really annoying me! Anyone know how to fix this? :) I did manage to get a pretty cute photo of 'Kenna that stayed rightside up!

So, for Gage's birthday we went rollerskating! I got skates for Makenna and attempted to take her out on the rink (thank goodness for Auntie Amy's help) but it was a major disaster! She wouldn't stay upright and kept pretending like she was falling for fun. My arms were sore after 5 minutes so I gave up on that. I managed to get out on the rink as well and was pretty impressed with myself! I was pretty wobbly the first couple of times around but got the hang of it after no time. :) I had an awesome picture that I wasnted to post of Gage in his rollerblades but again, picture was sideways. I'm so frustrated with the new photo uploader on here!!

Next up on the agenda... coloring Easter eggs!!
These two crack me up!
Easter baskets the next morning! Again, missing a couple of photos...

Happy 8th birthday Gage Man and we were so happy to get you the, "BIGGEST NERF GUN" ever!!
We love you!

Aunt Kristine :)

38 months!

I'm back!! Now that it's been over 2 months since I have posted anything, I am WAY behind! I may just post some pictures and not a whole lot of verbage. :) Hope that's ok!

38 months have come and gone and I'm actually starting to lose count!

Gardening with Grandma!

 Our backyard flooded with all the rain and Kenna decided to play in it! Big fun!

Family photo!
 Big girl in her new carseat!
