Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Calaveras County Fair!

The day after Oldma's 60th birthday bash we headed to the Calaveras County Fair! You can check it out here: http://www.frogtown.org/. It was hot and humid but it definitely beats rainy & cold! We had intended to get to the fair and rent some bullfrogs to jump but we got to the fair too late to register (we were given wrong information). Oh well, we'll rent a frog next year. :)
Checking out the giant bullfrogs!

Makenna loves to go on "wees". That's what she calls slides... The was the biggest "wee" she has been on!

She looked petrified when she got to the bottom but the minute it was over she wanted to go again!

Riding on the airplane.. flying like E.T.!

Gage & Ashton were able to ride every ride over and over again! They lucked out and got free unlimited passes!

"I go ride the horse Daddy, Mommy?"- Makenna

Gage & Ashton on the rollercoaster

She loved riding in the trucks.. I think she went on it 3 times?


She got to meet Smokey the Bear! She was so excited and still talks about him. :)

We hopped on this little train that took you around the fairgrounds.. It was cute.

Gage & Makenna right before we were getting ready to head out to go to dinner. Aunt Jeanie bought her the "Tinkerbell" skirt. Makenna loves it!

Another awesome weekend in California.. We can't wait until August where we get to spend 5 nights in South Lake Tahoe for some birthday celebrations!

Until next time....

-The Howards

Oldma turns 60!!!!

Well, we packed up the car and headed south again! I tell you.. all this driving is getting exhausting! It's well worth it though. :) So, Jeanie had a big sha-bang planned for Oldma's 60th. Lots of black balloons, a wheel chair, good friends and lots of beer. It was awesome! Even Grandma & Grandpa Howard made the 15+ hour drive to partake in the festivities. The time went by fast but we had a great time. We even got to go to the Calaveras County Fair where they have the frog jump! You'll see those pictures in the next post.
The kids play well these days.. "DOG PILE!!"
Grandpa Howard, Makenna and Oldpa watching "Bob's Big Break" in 3D version. :)The day of the party they needed to move around some logs to make sure there was enough parking for everybody. I got a great picture of the guys on their way back (Oldpa hanging on back, Howie and Gage are driving and Grandpa Howard hitching a ride)Makenna and Ashton's turn!HAHA.. Oldma relaxing in her wheel chair!BUBBLES!Aunt Jeanie finally able to relax for a minute! She's one awesome party thrower!Oldma got the best surprise when Emma (her 2nd mom) came to surprise her. There were tears ALL over the house! Just to remind her of her age... Oldma needed two cakes! The "Birthday Queen"Present time!HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY OLDMA!