Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tap/Jazz/Ballet Class!

As of April 12th, Makenna has been taking a tap/jazz/ballet class! She is doing so well and learning so much but we do have our bad days. :) She doesn't really like to share the attention from the teacher to the other kids. UGH. Another reason why we need to get her a sibling... quick! She's showing major signs of "only child syndrome", she has issues with sharing but we're trying hard to work through that. Well, now that it is already the 24th of May she sadly only has one more class left. We still haven't decided if we'll place her in the Summer class which starts the end of June and runs 8 weeks. Decisions!

Her first day of class!
A couple of weeks later...

I am so disappointed! There is a picture of Makenna in her "Tinkerbell" tutu but for some reason I can't rotate the photo. Kind of frustrating I might add!

Movin' right along... 37 months!

SLOW DOWN MAKENNA! You're growing too fast and becoming too sassy for Mommy & Daddy! :)

-The Howards

Professional Photos!

Grandma Bakanec decided that she wanted a photo of all 3 of her grandchildren. She got a pretty good deal on Groupon for Yuen Lui. So, we set up a date/time and took all of the kids to get their pictures taken! Unfortunately, we weren't able to buy all of the photos they took (they're a little on the spendy side) but the ones we did get were awesome!


Her 36th month...

 How old are you 'Kenna?
"My 5. Oh wait! I'm not five! I 3!!"
Not a whole lot happened between February 25th-March 25th but I do have some photos for you! Grandma & Grandpa Howard came down in the middle of March to visit for the weekend. We lounged around the house and had a great time visiting with each other!
Check out her drawing skills! Pretty amazing for a 3 year old!
Giving Daddy a big squeeze....
and celebrating his 32nd birthday!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Makenna's 3rd birthday weekend

February 25th marked Makenna's 3rd year of life! I really can't get over how fast time goes by when you have a child to put a timeline on. I swear that time didn't go by this fast before we had her. :)

Her birthday party was at Sunshine Pizza on Saturday, February 26th but lucky for us, Dale, Jeanie, Gage & Ashton came up 3-4 days before her party! It was so much fun to just hang out and relax with everyone before all of the festivities. Jeanie and I shopped, Dale went on a couple of bike rides, we enjoyed a wonderful "linner" at Widmer (Thanks again Dale & Jeanie!) and took the all of the kids to Wunderland to play video games. Jeanie even made Makenna her VERY own Strawberry Shortcake cake! It was awesome!

The kids had so much fun playing together! Makenna was even semi-nice to Ashton this trip! She's such a stinker.
HAHA! I think the Pankey's may be mad at me for posting this picture but I have to.. It's awesome!

Cake time!


New dress for our 3 year old Princess! Aunt Jeanie picked it out and it couldn't have been more perfect, it has cupcakes on it!

Her exact words in this photo were, "Oh my goodness!" She's such a ham!

Not a whole ton of pictures to share but I hoped you enjoyed them. Her party was a success with a huge turnout. A big thank you to everyone who came!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

34 Months!

Our sweetheart.
Is a Disney Princess lovin'.. Goofball.. Who loves her "Belle-Belle"...Her bike... And is the best at being the cutest daughter EVER! WE LOVE YOU BUBBA!

Christmas in California!

WOW! It's so hard to believe that Christmas was already 5 months ago and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures of it! We have been fairly busy since Christmas. Unfortunately, we missed Ashton's birthday party (financial reasons), celebrated Makenna's birthday, Howie's birthday, Howie got a job, then we went down to California for Gage's birthday.. Phew! All of those posts are coming to you soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can completely update this blog today. I'm still in my pajamas and it's 1pm! HAHA! So, here it goes!

We headed down to California on the 23rd of December (I think) and stayed until after New Years Day. We always have such a great time visiting with everyone down there that it is SO hard to leave. Luckily for us, everyone was able to make it up here for 'Kenna's 3rd birthday party! I took a gillion pictures while I was down there but chose some of my favorites. I'm going to attempt to not elaborate too much on photos since I have a fairly large job to do today! Enjoy!

"The Human Jungle Gym AKA Uncle Howie"

Showing off her fro! I can't believe how much her hair has grown and how out of control it is!
Makenna is such a sweetheart.. She actually asked if Gage wanted to help her open her present! What 2-3 year old child does that??
Miss Belle laying on a present. Typical Belle to be in the way. :)
It started snowing! We were all so excited that Kenna & Daddy had to go outside immediately! We just wish the snow wouldn't lasted longer or snowed more than it did. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

Everytime we come down to visit, I get this exact picture. Everytime. Cuddlebugs. 'Kenna loves her "Unkie Dale".
AND... her Aunt Jeanie. :)
There is a story behind the cones these boys have on their ears... Oldpa has a specific spot on the couch where he sits. Well, Ashton kept getting in his bubble and running into Oldpa's legs. I had this creative idea to put cones around where Oldpa sits and Jeanie had the cones! The cones didn't last long on the floor though. This picture is great!
A few more pictures to conclude this post.... Makenna and Oldpa (Just an FYI: She is all done with the binky now)

It was a very Merry Christmas!


The Howards